
getting {emotion}al

emotions are a funny thing.  so often, we let our emotions dictate our choices...  we choose to get married because we fall in love, we choose to get divorced because we fall out of love, we get our feelings hurt so we allow relationships to become damaged...  the thing is, emotions lie.  i think that the hardest part about emotions is that it's so hard to see beyond them, because they easily take up the scope of our vision.

i'm feeling insecure, therefore i must not be good enough.
i'm feeling fat, therefore i must be unattractive.
i'm feeling defensive, therefore the situation must warrant an aggressive rebuttal.

truth isn't relative + isn't dictated by my feelings.  how i feel about truth doesn't determine what it is, it only determines my reaction to it.

i have built up such a huge wall around my heart.  it has kept me safe.  it has kept me secure.  it has kept my lonely.  it has kept me from being able to walk in the fullness of who i am.  it's time to climb the wall + break it down.

in the midst of this difficult + painful process, it's important for me to remember that just because i am feeling a certain way {or feeling like i am being perceived a certain way} doesn't mean that it's truth.  it just means that i need to step away from myself for a moment to see if my vision might be skewed from my emotions.

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